Budget Accommodations 2009
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Please note that these hotels are of varied quality and not within walking distance to Georgetown University campus. They are not affiliated with GURT. The following accommodation information was compiled in the fall of 2008. Prices indicated are those quoted upon telephone inquiry. Prices cannot be guaranteed and are subject to change (e.g. depending on booking date, availability, and room capacity). Students: Some hotels and hostels may offer special student rates – make sure to ask about discounts. International
participants: Note that the prices quoted do not include US state tax (= approximately 10% additional cost).
Hostelling International-Washington, DC (HI-DC)
1009 11th St., NW
Washington, DC 20001
$28 (for members) and $31 (non-members), shared room, shared bath
(*They are current rates, but rates for 3/13-15 are not available until November at the earliest.)
International Guest House
1441 Kennedy St., NW
Washington, DC 20011
$35 per person (shared room, shared bath), incl. breakfast and taxes
William Penn House
515 E Capital St., SE
Washington, DC 20003
$40 per person (shared room, shared bath), incl. breakfast
The Brickskeller Inn (formerly the Marifex Hotel)
1523 22nd St., NW
Washington, DC 20037
$109 (single) and $127 (double), shared bath
private baths available
(*They are current rates, and rates for 3/13-15 not available until mid-February)
Kalorama Guest House
2700 Cathedral Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008
Toll-Free Reservations: (800) 974-9101
$70 and up for single, shared bath
$80 and up for double, shared bath
$85 and up for single, private bath
$95 and up for double, private bath
Adams Inn
1746 Lanier Place, NW
Washington, DC 20009
Toll-Free Reservations: (800) 578-6807
$99/$119 single, shared bath
(add $10 per additional person)
$129/$149 single, private bath
(add $10 per additional person)
includes continental breakfast
Hotel Harrington
436 11th St., N.W.
Washington, DC 20004
Toll-Free Reservations: (800) 424-8532
$109 small double bed
$139 two full-size beds
Other websites are:
Department of Linguistics/Department of Spanish & Portuguese, Georgetown University. March 13-15, 2009, Washington, DC