Submission 2011
Call for papers. Submission Deadline: NOVEMBER 10, 2010
Submission Guidlines
- Abstracts should be limited in length to 400 words. Each participant is allowed only one single-authored submission and one co-authored submission. Participation in a colloquium counts as a contribution (single- or co-authored, respectively). See below for more details on colloquia submissions.
- You may submit your abstract in one of two ways:
- Uploading your abstract as an attachment. This is recommended if your abstract includes any special fonts, charts, or graphs. The attachment must be in either Adobe PDF (pdf) or Microsoft Word (doc) format. The file’s name should have the proper MIME extent associated with its document type. For example, a pdf file could have a name such as “myabstract.pdf”.
- Cutting and pasting your abstract into the Abstract Box through our submission interface (accessible by clicking on the link above).
Presentation Formats
- Colloquia: Colloquia are scheduled for 2 hour blocks. Colloquium organizers should submit up to a 400 word abstract for the colloquium and include 400 word abstracts for each participant. Please indicate the schedule for particpants, with time allocated for opening and closing remarks, presentations, discussion, and audience response. Organizers may choose to participate in the session as a presenter or discussant.
- Individual Papers: 20 minutes with a 10 minute discussion period.
- Poster presentations: Displayed for a 2 hour block of time.
© 2010 GURT 2011 | Organized by Deborah Tannen & Anna Trester