Measured Language: Quantitative Approaches
to Acquisition, Assessment, Processing and Variation

March 8-11, 2012

Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 2012 (GURT 2012) will be held at Georgetown University, Washington, DC. The conference entitled “Measured Language: Quantitative Approaches to Acquisition, Assessment, Processing and Variation” will take place from March 8th to 11th of 2012.

Plenary Speakers

Douglas Biber, Northern Arizona University

Using multi-dimensional analysis to investigate cross-linguistic patterns of register variation

Penelope Eckert, Stanford University

When ethnicity isn’t just about ethnicity

Nick Ellis, University of Michigan

Does language Zipf right along? Investigating robustness in the latent structures of usage and acquisition.

Tom Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University

Never Ending Language Learning (by Computer)

Steven Ross, University of Maryland

Quantification in Language Assessment Technology, Authenticity, and the Quest for Validity

Call for Papers

GURT 2012 will bring together researchers presenting replicable methodologies for quantitatively analyzing different facets of language, with an emphasis on sharing and incorporating perspectives and findings across a diverse range of linguistic inquiry. Proposals will be blind reviewed for their originality, quality, and breadth of relevance. In addition, colloquium proposals will be evaluated for the coherence and complementarity of their individual presentations. Presenters will be invited to submit written versions of their presentations for inclusion in a volume of selected proceedings.

We invite proposals relevant to quantitative analyses of all aspects of language, but particularly:

First and Second Language Acquisition
Natural Language Processing
Corpus Linguistics
Discourse Analysis
Identity and Indexicality

Assessment of Language Learning
Dialect and Register Variation
Crosscultural Communication
Forensic Linguistics
Language and Gender

© GURT 2012 | Organized by Jeff Connor-Linton