GURT 2022 Program

All times listed here are in Eastern Time (New York/Washington D.C.) Note: Daylight Saving Time in Washington DC will begin Sunday, March 13 at 2am, “springing us ahead” 1 hr! This site can help you sort out the time difference for your location each day.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

13:00-13:30 Informal orientation [Room: Large Hall]. If you are new to, sign in early to get to know the platform and ask for assistance if needed!

13:30-14:00 Opening & Welcome: Jen Nycz & Victor Fernandez-Mallat [Room: Large Hall]

14:00-14:15 Break

14:15-15:15 Plenary speaker: Abby Walker (Virginia Tech) “You kinda help make things easier”: Second dialect acquisition (or the lack thereof) as strategy [Room: Large Hall]

15:15-15:30 Break

16:30-16:45 Break

17:45-18:45 Social hour in the virtual cat cafe

Friday, March 11, 2022

13:00-14:00 Plenary speaker: Paul Kerswill (University of York) “The emergence of a multiethnolect: Language shift and dialect contact in London” [Room: Large Hall]

14:00-14:15 Break

15:45-16:00 Break

17:30-18:30 Social hour in the virtual cat cafe

Saturday, March 12, 2022

13:00-14:00 Plenary speaker: Enam Al-Wer (University of Essex) “Focusing and feature complexity in Amman Arabic” [Room: Large Hall]

14:00-14:15 Break

15:15-15:30 Break

16:30-16:45 Break

16:45-17:45 Plenary speaker: Livia Oushiro (University of Campinas) “A few open questions in the study of dialect contact” [Room: Large Hall]

17:45-18:45 Social hour in the virtual cat cafe

Sunday, March 13, 2022

13:00-14:00 Plenary speaker: Daniel Erker (Boston University) “On the (non)uniformity of contact outcomes: A comparison of Spanish in New York and Boston” [Room: Large Hall]

14:00-14:15 Break

15:45-16:15 Close and farewell [Room: Large Hall]