March 9-12, 2023
Georgetown University, Washington D.C.
The Georgetown University Round Table on Linguistics (GURT) is a peer-reviewed annual linguistics conference held continuously since 1949 at Georgetown University in Washington DC, with topics and co-located events varying from year to year.
Under an overarching theme of ‘Computational and Corpus Linguistics’, GURT 2023 will feature four workshops focused on computational and corpus approaches to syntax: a new workshop on CxGs+NLP, and three returning SyntaxFest workshops, Depling, TLT, and UDW. Talks will take place in plenary sessions to promote cross-fertilization of ideas across subcommunities. Proceedings are published in the ACL Anthology.
Plenary Speakers
Workshop Calls for Papers
- Depling (Conference on Dependency Linguistics)
- TLT (Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories)
- UDW (The Universal Dependencies Workshop)
Conference Information
GURT/SyntaxFest 2023 consists of the four workshops listed above. All talks will take place in a single (non-parallel) plenary session. Registration is for the entire conference, granting access to all workshops. Proceedings will be published separately for each workshop, and will be available in the ACL Anthology.
In order to support rich discussions and networking with minimal overhead and cost, GURT will be primarily an in-person event; we will, however, accommodate a limited number of live/synchronous remote presentations, prioritizing those with circumstances that prevent travel. University policies regarding COVID safety will be in force during the event.
More information:
Important Dates
November 1 November 15, 2022 – submission deadline (long and short papers) (submission site)
December 10 December 17, 2022 – reviews due
January 11, 2023 – notification of acceptance 👉 See list of accepted archival papers
February 1, 2023 – camera-ready version
March 9–12, 2023 – GURT/SyntaxFest 2023
All deadlines are 11.59 pm UTC -12h (“anywhere on Earth”).