
Presenter Instructions
Pdf version of the program

 8:30-9:00Breakfast ICC Galleria
9:00-10:30pmConcurrent Sessions

Panel 4 โ€” Where We Are and Where We Could Be: Education Abroad and Language Departments as Partners

Location: ICC 107

Convenor: Amelia Dietrich

Amelia J. Dietrich, The Forum on Education Abroad
Elena Corbett, Amideast
Jeanette Owen, American Councils for International Education
Angela Schaffer, Fund for Education Abroad

Insights and key data points from The State of the Field Survey and Student Risk Pilot Report followed by best practice examples of how education abroad and language department stakeholders can work together to build and run inclusive education abroad programs

10:30-11:00Coffee Break ICC Galleria
11:00-11:50Rachel Shively ICC Auditorium
TItle: Pragmatic development in study abroad: Insights from research
12:00-1:30Concurrent Sessions

Recordings, EMI

Cross-linguistic influence, L2 syntax, phonology, morphology

Lg. Dev.   ICC 115
Chair: Jorge Seijas

12:00 Majid Aldakheel & Martin Howard
LOTE learning in a study abroad context: The case of Arabic

12:30 Abbie Finnegan, Cailie Keating & Cristina Sanz
Effects of short-term immersion abroad on L1 speech: How short is short?

1:00 Sinae Lee & Bokyung Mun
Production and perception of Korean back vowels by English L1 speakers

1:30-1:45 Closing   ICC 115